One of the aspects of this professional Twitter is that I'll have to, y'know, actually use it. So I followed a large spectrum of people. Let me tell you about the five (groups of) people I followed...
1. My fellow classmates. I could type out each and every member of Monk's 2030 class here, but you'll just have to take my word that I went through the list of others' Twitter handles in the class and mass followed them. We're educators growing together, and it's important to see what my colleagues are doing so I can learn and grow.
2. My instructor. In this same vein, I wanted to follow my own instructor. She's the one teaching me, so she's bound to have some valuable insight - especially since she's teaching about teaching with technology.
3. GTChat. One of three Twitter chat moderation blogs. This one focuses on gifted and talented students.
4. Cybraryman1. The second of three Twitter chat moderation blogs. This one focuses on general education.
5. Thrasymachus. The third of three Twitter chat moderation blogs. This one focuses on alternate teaching methods and moderates the Twitter chat #gueri11aEd.
More on that last Twitter chat in a second!
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